Annual Report 2017 - 2018

OP 2017-18 Annual Report - cover

Download the 2017-2018 Ontario Presents Annual Report

Download the 2017-2018 Financial Statements

Message from the President

As you will see in this report, Ontario Presents continues to serve and support the province’s touring and presenting field through the development and delivery of finely-tuned Participatory Programs, Practice Development Initiatives, and Partner Programs that are designed to help the field adjust and adapt to changing conditions in our contemporary society.

Ontario Presents is guided in its work by a moral compass of values that the members have developed over the years. These are values of openness to new ideas, sharing of information, support for each other, and caring deeply about the responsibility each of us holds for the stewardship of culture in our communities.

As a result of the participation in OP-led initiatives, we are seeing concrete steps being taken by our presenting members and our partners to heed the Calls to Action contained in the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Report, a commitment to learn more about community engagement practices, and a deep desire to support artistic practice at the local, regional, and national level.

I am pleased that over the past year, the Ontario Presents Board has stepped forward to engage with staff in the review and planning of our programs and is taking the steps to develop principles, rooted in OP’s shared values, that will guide the organization forward.

We ended the 2017/18 fiscal year with a modest surplus of $10,365. This will be used to increase OP’s working capital which, combined with our new invoicing policy for block booking earned commissions, will greatly alleviate cash flow concerns.

It continues to be an honour and a privilege to serve as your President and I look forward to further conversations with all of you in the coming days and weeks as we move forward on several key initiatives such as the Ideal Gathering Task Force, the New Narrative, the Municipal Performing Arts Policy Framework, and defining our Guiding Principles.


Ronnie Brown