Annual Report 2018-19

Annual Report cover page

Download the 2018-2019 Annual Report

Download the 2018-2019 Financial Statements

Message from the President

As you will see in this report, Ontario Presents continues to serve and support the province’s touring and presenting field, by being an advocate, administrator and resource-based organization geared to providing the best experiences for artists and audiences. Ontario Presents is an organization for members to use as a resource, networking tool and most importantly a peer-support organization.

Our strength solely relies on our members and the ability to work together to achieve common goals. As financial pressures occur, our ability to overcome lies in the ability to work together and create solutions and new opportunities. Our member-driven values will continue to evolve and serve as our moral compass as we meet the new challenges and goals that the future may have in store for us. The most important element of our organization is the feeling that no one is alone with any one question, solution, or celebration.

I am pleased (as always) with the continuing growth and support that our staff are able to provide, not only to us as members, but to a wide range of industry professionals associated with our business. Working with people is an art form and our staff are true Picassos, working in an environment with a landscape changing daily.

We ended the 2018/19 fiscal year with a modest deficit of $168. Considering all of the programs, conferences, contract negotiations and member development, it was a prudent financial year.

Thank you for the honour and privilege to serve as your President and the opportunity to continually grow in learning and understanding. We are all part of a wonderful industry, full of creativity, love and support, and most importantly part of a continually-growing family.


Ronnie Brown