Download the 2019-2020 Annual Report
Download the 2019-2020 Financial Statements
Message from the President
In this report of 2019/2020, you will see a year of new challenges and pressures brought onto us from a pandemic that literally has shut down our industry for the past four months and for many more into this year. We began our year of 2019 with reduced funding and end the year in the top half of 2020 in a shutdown.
Our strength to get through this as presenters, artists and agents, is the strength we continue to share as an organization. A strength to help each other and brainstorm for answers and solutions to both individual and shared challenges. Our industry has been wounded but we can heal, through our constant communication and the advocacy that Ontario Presents can support with our funders.
The Ontario Presents staff team continue to host COVID-19 dialogue with industry workers across Canada, as we all plan how and when we can begin to return to our communities with the performing artists they love.
Thank you to the staff of Ontario Presents from the board and all our members who rely on your dedication to help our organization through the turmoil.
We have incurred a loss of $11 505 but have prudent plans to guide us back to a balance budget for 2020/2021. As always I thank you the members for supporting the board and more importantly each other as we continue to make the performing arts stronger then ever. Stay healthy, stay strong.
Ronnie Brown
Ontario Presents Board President
Marketing and Development Coordinator
Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts