Ontario Presents is pleased to announce our new video series How to Slow Tour.
Each 5-minute video will spotlight a Slow Touring pilot project that was funded as part of our 24/25 Slow Touring Project.
“Having a way of being, working, doing that was more in alignment with who we are and what we do really allowed for respecting our access needs.”
In the first video of the series, you'll hear from Erin Ball (ze/zir) and Maxime Beauregard (they/them), circus artists performing under the name InterComplementary Journeys. They tell us about the slow tour they undertook, from Belleville to Vancouver and back, with the goal of being environmentally sustainable and supporting their own access needs as disabled artists.
Find out more about Erin and Maxime’s work as performers, consultants, and disability educators by visiting their website.
About the Slow Touring Project: this project takes inspiration from the wider Slow Movement (such as Slow Food and Slow Tourism) and aims to transform the touring sector, seeking to increase the engagement between visiting artists and the local community, increase artists’ and presenters’ capacity to take creative risks, improve artists’ wellbeing and financial stability, and reduce the climate impact of touring. The 24/25 pilot project phase was made possible thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts, and in partnership with Réseau SPARC Network, Debajehmujig Theatre Group, and Folk Music Ontario.
This project is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts