Small Venue Pitches

2024 Small Venue Pitches 

Thank you to everyone who attended and pitched at this year’s Small Venue Pitch Sessions. We were thrilled with the response (again) and can’t wait to host these awesome nights, organized by the Community Presenters Network, again next year! So artists mark your calendars - materials will be due in June and the submission process will begin in May. See you in 2025! 

The Community Presenters’ Network (CPN) is a collection of smaller-scale performing arts venues throughout Ontario, working in close collaboration with Ontario Presents and SPARC to bring more music, theatre, dance, and other art forms to people and places not necessarily served by larger venues. CPN members are seeking out the best artists to fit their mandates and budgets for the 2025-2026 season. 

The pitches took place September 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2024 and included an Agent’s Pitch session, for the first time this year!

Below are materials you can use to follow up with artists you saw!

Performance reels

Artist Gallery (catalogue style)

If you have any questions about the pitches or the CPN please feel free to reach out to Eric at .

2024 Small Venue Pitch Session Artists:

  • Aleksi Campagne
  • Amanda Rheaume
  • Audrey Gaussiran
  • The Barrel Boys
  • Bob Cates
  • Brooks and Bowskill
  • Cécilia
  • Chris Quigley
  • Colour Film
  • The Hello Darlins
  • Jeffery Straker
  • Lara Deutsch & Adam Cicchillitti
  • Leaf Rapids
  • The LH Express
  • Lloyd Spiegel
  • Matt Weidinger
  • Mia Kelly
  • Michael Harrison
  • Mike Trudell
  • Moonfruits
  • The North Sound
  • Pretty Archie
  • Robert Thomas and the sessionmen
  • Sarah Hagen
  • Seán Dagher
  • Stephen Fearing
  • Tanya Davis
  • Tragedy Ann
  • Victoria Yeh
  • Vinta

Past Small Venue Pitches


The Community Presenter’s Network, supported by SPARC, Ontario Presents and Folk Music Ontario, hosted Small Venue Artist Pitches online on September 6, 7 & 8 from 7:00 pm - 9:00pm. Over 30 artists ranging over genres of music, theatre, dance, puppetry, TYA and more pitched their projects, with 10 artists pitching each evening.

Visit the Gallery: