CAPACOA Appreciation to CCI for Support of Value of Presenting Study

Dear Colleagues:

Attached is a letter of appreciation from Erin Benjamin, Executive Director of CAPACOA thanking CCI, its members and the CCI Board of Directors for their support of The Value of Presenting Study.

As you will read in Erin’s letter, a significant number of workshops, presentations, and consultations were conducted during the last two years. The study was published this past spring and has been widely distributed.

In particular, I want to draw your attention to the in-kind and financial assistance totalling $53,124 (17% of total project revenues) from presenting networks and presenters.

Please take a well-deserved bow for your collective part in bringing this study to fruition. I believe that it is a significant step forward in revealing the sector to itself and to its stakeholders in all of of its complexity.

Our next steps will be to continue to gather the evidence of presenting’s value found in the narratives of our members.


Warren Garrett
Executive Director
CCI-Ontario Presenting Network