Pride Season 2024

June marks the beginning of Pride Season - a season spanning from June to September where 2SLGBTQI+ communities and allies come together to celebrate and recognize the contributions of 2SLGBTQI+ communities. We recommend exploring your community to see what programming is available.

View the programming for the Queer Pride Festival 2024 hosted by Buddies in Bad Times Theater from May 24th to June 30th, 2024

Toronto and surrounding areas: 

  • Toronto Pride: Events take place throughout June 2024
  • Pride Durham: Events take place at Refection Park in Durham Region on June 8, 2024
  • Brantford Pride: Annual event takes place during the third week of June 2024
  • York Pride: Special events throughout the year, including Pride on June 14 & 15, 2024

Pride Events East of Toronto 

Pride Events West of Toronto 

Visit the Pride Events page at Destination Ontario to find a Pride Event near you.

Ontario Presents honours all of our 2SLGBTQI+  friends and colleagues, and the contributions that they bring to our sector and our communities not only in June but every day. We are committed to continuing to learn and to take action to be better allies for the 2SLGBTQI+, and in particular IBPOC 2SLGBTQI+, communities. We encourage our colleagues to continue their own learning and to celebrate 2SLGBTQI+ artists, individuals, and organizations.