Community & Audience Mapping Analysis

The Community & Audience Mapping service provides presenters with easy to comprehend analyses of their community’s demo/psychographics and social values.  It compares the community profile with the presenter’s audiences and reveals opportunities to broaden or diversify the programming appeal or marketing reach of existing programs.

To help you find your audience and gain valuable insight into who they are and how to keep them, Ontario Presents has partnered with the premier marketing and analytical services company in Canada - Environics Analytics.  Environics Analytics’ expert team of researchers have the databases and geographical information that can reveal what type of customers are most likely to use your product or service, and it highlights who you can target with your marketing efforts to produce the greatest efficiency and reach. 

“The City of Ottawa’s Arts Centres would like to thank Ontario Presents for continuing to provide members with access to Environics. This partnership has enabled us to gain comprehensive perspectives of the client base and hone goals for both programming and marketing. Having used the service periodically in the past, we now have the ability to see how our audiences have changed over the long term. The best results have come in the past year though, since we have been working with this service on an ongoing basis and seeking much more robust queries into our data. The results have been illuminating. This commitment will continue for years to come. Jane Smythe and Judy Harquail have been outstanding partners throughout, responding quickly and always going the extra mile to find the answers to our questions and insights to our unique clientele.”

Karen Scott-Gagné
Analytics and Special Projects
Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services
City of Ottawa

To make the program even more valuable for you, we use the Environics Analytics’ PRIZM5 system that links your audience data with neighbourhood demographics, syndicated survey data and marketing research. PRIZM5 provides greater targeting precision by answering key marketing questions:

WHO are my customers?

WHAT are they like?

WHAT do they buy?

WHERE can I find them?

HOW can I reach them?

With the production of reports from Evironics, we will help profile your customers, identify your best prospects, provide insights into how they live and develop effective marketing campaigns to reach them. Specifically, we can help you with:

  • Find your customers
  • Provide customer insights
  • Target potential clients
  • Evaluate sites
  • Analyze sales territories
  • Plan media

“Because of the research that we have been able to do with Ontario Presents and Environics Analytics, we have an excellent snapshot of the social values, demographics, geography and other characteristics of our patrons. Using that information, we were able to customize our marketing messaging and tactics to grow our database to more than 25,000 email newsletter subscribers, thousands of followers on social media, 100,000 mailing addresses and more than 150,000 unique visitors to our website annually.” - Julie Fossitt, Marketing Manager for Cultural Services at the City of Kingston (Grand Theatre).

“The Burlington Performing Arts Centre has been using the Environics audience mapping analysis for the past three years and have found it invaluable in understanding our current audience and identifying potential new audiences in our regional. It has also provided insight into programming, and helps explain what works or doesn’t work, and what the challenges may be in building audiences for particular types of programming.” – Brian Mccurdy, Executive Director, The Burlington Performing Arts Centre.

See the report based on the Burlington community mapping.

Please note: This Ontario Presents member program is currently on hold. If you are interested in taking part, please info [at] (contact us).