Community Presenters Network

Contact current chair Eric Goudie (egoudie [at] (egoudie[at]centrewellington[dot]ca)) for more information about the CPN, or to join.

CPN Logo

Formed in the fall of 2016, the Community Presenters’ Network (CPN) connects smaller-scale performing arts venues and presenters across Ontario. The network shares a passion for bringing art to our communities and understands the unique challenges of working with limited staffing, resources, and budgets. The CPN bridges the gap between smaller venues and existing network structures, fostering collaboration and resource sharing. The goals of the network include:

  • Share resources and best practices
  • Collaborate and support colleagues
  • Elevate the cultural landscape in our communities
  • Pursue shared booking opportunities


Network Meetings

The CPN meets on Zoom, approximately monthly. These informal meetings are an opportunity for members to share ideas, collaborate, and interact with colleagues who have a similar working context.


Who can join the CPN?

Participation in the CPN is open to any venue managers, presenters, artists, arts organizations, or cultural animators who feel that they are a good fit for this network. While block-booking discussions among venues will be closed to protect confidentiality, the CPN otherwise strives for openness and inclusivity.  Membership with Ontario Presents is not required. 


Small Venue Pitches

The CPN’s Small Venue Pitches, supported by SPARCFolk Music Ontario, and Ontario Presents, offers an unique opportunity for performing artists working in any discipline to showcase their talents to arts presenters who typically represent smaller venues and spaces. All artists and presenters are welcome, and there is no fee to apply as an artist or register as a presenter.

2025 Pitches

Thank you to all the artists, agents and presenters who participated in last year’s event, the CPN was thrilled with the response and can’t wait to host again next year! Planning is underway for the third annual Small Venue Pitches 2025. The submission process will open in May 2025 with materials due in June 2025. Sign up for the OP newsletter [ADD NEWSLETTER link] to receive information first. or contactegoudie [at] ( egoudie[at]centrewellington[dot]ca) with any questions.

2024 Pitches

The Small Venue Pitches 2024 (September 3rd–5th) included a diverse lineup of talent and a new Agent's Pitch session. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Small Venue Pitch Sessions! We look forward to hosting these events again next year. To watch the video Performance Reels for the 2024 Small Venue Pitch session. Or check out the Artist Gallery for more information.

2023 Pitches

The first annual 2023 Small Venue Artist Pitches (September 6th–8th) featured over 30 artists across various disciplines. Over 30 artists ranging over genres of music, theatre, dance, puppetry, TYA and more pitched their projects, with 10 artists pitching each evening.


Advocacy Starter Guide

This guide, developed in response to concerns from rural presenters, helps small presenters and arts advocates improve their discussions with community leaders and funders. It offers examples of successful arts advocacy, helping “rewrite the script” from, turning the narrative around subsidies into investments in innovation and cultural value.  This guide is a living document; let us know if you have an advocacy story to share!

Download the guide here.


Presenter Exchange Program

This program connects presenters in smaller, rural, and remote communities to exchange knowledge and best practices. It was paused due to COVID-19 lockdowns but could be reinvigorated if there is interest from the members.