The Chief Executive Officer for the Yukon Arts Centre Corporation has a passion for artistic endeavours and for promoting arts and culture to diverse audiences. The CEO oversees the operation of YACC under the direction of the Board and directs, plans, develops and implements operations, including programming, in conjunction with the staff and the Board. The CEO works across the Territory and with other arts organizations in the Yukon and beyond to support and nurture the arts in the Yukon. The CEO, working with the Board and staff, is responsible for the achievement of YACC’s Ends Statements. This position is a five-year term, with possibility of renewal.
Key Accountabilities
Strategic Leadership
• Drives the achievement of the Ends Statements (see below) in accordance with the Core Values (see below) of YACC
• Develops, in consultation with the Board and staff, annual work/business plans for YACC
• Monitors progress towards the achievement of Ends Statements and work/business plans
• Implements strategies for increasing engagement with diverse community groups/constituencies and audiences
Community/Constituency Engagement and Public Relations
• Serve as the public face of the organization, communicating to diverse constituencies and the community at large, including First Nations governments and organizations, arts organizations, government, business, etc
• Build and strengthen relationships with these same groups
• Direct advocacy activities at the local, territorial and federal levels; monitor government activity that affects YACC and recommend appropriate actions to the Board
• Manage development of communication materials
• Participate in and represent the organization in national networks as appropriate
• Assure the creation of long-term and annual fundraising plans with specific resource requirements, strategies and targets
• Research funding sources, develop proposals, meet with funders, and cultivate donors
• Assure maintenance of appropriate funding records and documentation
• Maintain the strengths of current program offerings while working to deepen quality and broaden participation through greater involvement of the local community and more diverse audiences
Financial Leadership
• Ensure YACC’s financial resources are managed well with a high degree of accountability and in a manner which ensures the ongoing financial viability of YACC
• Develop the annual budget and work plan for Board approval, including measurable goals
• Monitor implementation of strategic and annual work plans, working with staff and Board committees to regularly evaluate progress, celebrate accomplishments and update goals
• Work with the Board to assure an appropriate accounting system
• Prudently manage the organization’s resources within the approved annual budget
• Ensure the development of regular financial statements and an annual audit or review
• Authorize expenditures
• Ensure compliance with the organization’s fiscal policies, as well as applicable laws, regulations and funder requirements.
People Leadership
• Lead, coach and mentor staff in delivering the Ends and work plan goals within their areas and in providing leadership to their own staff
• Provide leadership and support to all YACC staff through effective communication and interaction, with an aim of building a culture of motivation, professionalism and a high level of staff engagement
• Hire, supervise, evaluate and provide support to staff, within a unionized environment
• Implement Board-approved personnel policies
• Ensure effective management and recognition of volunteers
Board of Directors Support
• Serve as the primary liaison between Board and staff, working to coordinate information sharing and teamwork in service of agreed upon goals
• Draft agenda and assist the Board Chair in planning Board meeting.
• In conjunction with Board and committees develop supporting materials for meetings
• Attend and participate in Board meetings
• Assist the Board with board development activities including board recruitment, orientation, training evaluation and recognition
• Direct and develop any Board/Staff activities
• Advise the Board on current issues, trends, opportunities and challenges
• Support the Board in working with government ministers and other senior officials in advocating for YACC and the support of arts and culture in the Yukon
Administrative Leadership
• Assure appropriate technology planning for the organization’s information technology needs, particularly as it relates to box office management
• Work with staff to assure management of all physical resources under the auspices of YACC
• Work with the staff and Board on long-term planning for facilities and grounds
• A minimum of five years experience in arts/performing arts facilities
management in a leadership position which includes leading people within a unionized environment, budget development, and administration
• An undergraduate degree in arts, arts management, or business administration; a acceptable combination of education, training and experience may also be considered
• Experience in facility management and administration.
• Excellent analytical, financial and organizational skills with demonstrated leadership in successful fundraising
• The ability to build and maintain relationships with a broad and diverse range of constituencies
These “ENDS Statements” describe what will be different in the lives of the people of Yukon because the Yukon Arts Centre Corporation exists.
The YACC exists to provide access to the arts for all people in the Yukon so that:
1. All have experiences that awaken, educate, challenge and transform in welcoming venues and settings
2. All have meaningful and inclusive dialogue among people of diverse cultures and backgrounds
3. There is cultural understanding, development, promotion and preservation.
4. All engage our creative and innovative spirits
5. There is expression of artistic potential for artists of all ages (inclusively defined)
6. There is the development and sustenance of a vibrant cultural and creative sector (including artists, organizations, small commercial businesses)
Yukon Arts Centre Corporation Core Values
“Art” in the largest and most inclusive sense of the word is at the core of all our ambitions.
The Yukon Arts Centre Corporation is committed to:
• Developing the arts as an important culture, social and economic force in the Yukon;
• Empowering our staff, artists and partner organisations to realize their aspirations;
• Providing ‘Quality Service’ to our clients, patrons, artists, volunteers, suppliers and to each other;
• Promoting honest, ethical, inclusive and transparent conduct;
• Maintaining an atmosphere of open communications and trust between employees and management;
• Minimizing our impact on the environment;
• Maximizing our impact of our technical, financial and human resources on the community; and
• Complying with all national, Territorial and local laws and regulations and maintaining an environment free of retaliation for raising matters of legal compliance.
The Yukon Arts Centre is a not–for-profit charitable organization that is dedicated to the development of the arts as an important cultural, social and economic force in the Yukon. The Yukon Arts Centre main facility consists of: Public Art Gallery, a Youth Gallery, a Community Gallery, a 428-seat theatre, a 50-seat studio theatre. In addition, the Yukon Arts Centre currently operates the Old Fire Hall, a flexible downtown venue, year-round and The Wharf, an outdoor space on the Yukon River waterfront, during the summer season.
Whitehorse has gained a reputation for being one of the most artistically and culturally vibrant communities in Canada rivaling many large cities. It is also considered to be one of the most beautiful places in Canada with ready access to hiking and biking trails, hundreds of kilometers of cross country ski trails, downhill skiing, canoeing and kayaking.
Please submit your resume to by January 6th, 2017.