Understanding ENVIRONICS: Converting Market Research Into Market Intelligence

Monday, October 1st, 2012 - 9:30am to Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 - 4:00pm


When: October 1 - October 2, 2012

Time: Monday October 1, 2012; 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. AND Tuesday October 2, 2012; 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: Centre for Social Innovation, 215 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, ON

Facilitators: Lendre Kearns and Judy Harquail

For the first time, the marketing and development staff of Ontario’s presenting organizations and symphony orchestras will team up to share knowledge and brainstorm strategies and tactics for engaging our communities.

The enriched information that can be derived from ENVIRONICS geo/demographic segmentation system opens up a world of opportunity to extend your impact on your community. 

This workshop will help you take information about your community and your audience and apply it to existing promotional tactics, and develop of new strategies and marketing messages. 

Registration Details

The workshop is open to CCI and Orchestras Canada members only.

Workshop Cost** for CCI members:

  • $500/large organization (over 400 seats)
  • $300/small organization (under 400 seats)
  • $100/additional person from same organization

** Fee includes workshop + lunches + customized maps based on new knowledge of your community (post-workshop) + follow-up technical assistance

Click Here to Register

You will be invoiced once your organization has registered for the event.

Registration deadline is Monday, September 27, 2012

Additional Information

The workshop will start with detailed profiles of the communities that workshop participants serve, and we’ll also look at detailed customer profiles from a couple of participating organizations, to better understand the power of the ENVIRONICS tool.  And we’ll explore together how to turn research from “interesting facts” into focused strategies to broaden our audience (i.e. effectively reach more patrons like the ones we already serve), deepen our relationships with our audience (through positioning of shared values), and diversify our audience (more effectively engaging with those who are currently under-represented in our audience).

Brainstorm with your peers and learn more about how to apply what we know to help us refine how we position, price, package and promote our events.

This two-day workshop will equip professional marketing and development professionals with the insights they need to work effectively with Environics Analytics’ PRISMce data mapping software, a powerful tool in contemporary marketers’ efforts to broaden and diversify audiences.

Follow-up, one-on-one, technical assistance will be provided to each participating organization on an as-needs basis.

Travel and Accomodation Assistance

This workshop is made possible with the support of the Ontario Arts Council’s Arts Investment Fund, the Department of Canadian Heritage and a productive partnership between Orchestras Canada and CCI-Ontario Presenting Network.