CNAL/RCAA Arts Organization and Education Sector Survey

Dear Colleague in the Arts,

The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning/ le reseau canadien des arts et de l’apprentissage (CNAL/RCAA) is a new national association of artists, arts organizations, educators, policy- makers, researchers, and other advocates for arts-in-learning led by the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning, Professor Larry O’Farrell, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

CNAL/RCCA recently obtained funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to conduct a study that will result in a profile of arts-in-learning activities and needs in Canada.

We are writing to ask that you take a few minutes to respond to the attached survey or to send it on to someone in your organization who is qualified to respond.

Participation in this study is, of course, entirely voluntary. The names of your organization, the survey respondent, and the organizations that might be mentioned in the survey responses will never appear in any written or oral report concerning the survey results.

The results of this study will be presented at the CNAL/RCAA Founder’s Symposium at Queen’s University, Kingston, October 23 – 25, 2013. (All are welcome to attend.)

If you have any questions about the survey or about the study as a whole, please do not hesitate to contact the Lead Researcher for the project, Dr. Ann Patteson, at

If you wish to learn more about CNAL/RCAA, please visit the organization’s website at

To access the survey, please go to

With thanks,

Dr. Ann Patteson, Arts and Learning Research Consultant, Lead Researcher for CNAL/RCAA

Mr. Steven Campbell, Arts Consultant, Research Associate for CNAL/RCAA