October 26, 2015
If you are an Ontario employer with 20 or more workers, this applies to you.
The Ministry of Labour has announced that new Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) Certification Training Standards will go into effect on March 1, 2016. These new standards are designed to ensure consistent and high quality training by approved training providers, and they also add a requirement for refresher training every three years.
Part 1 Training
- Training is based on health and safety topics, including legislative requirements, roles and responsibilities under the Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA)
- Duration: 3 days or 19.5 hours, at least 19.5 hours.
Part 2 Training
- Training is based on the application of Recognize, Assess, Control and Evaluate (RACE) methodology
- Employers will be required to select a training program that provides training in a minimum of 6 hazards that are relevant to the committee member’s workplace
- Duration: 2 days or 13 hours
- Must be completed within 6 months of Part 1 training
Refresher Training
- Topics include an overview of both Part 1 and Part 2 training, updates to legislation and regulations, and learners share best practices based on their experience and workplace
- Certified members will be required to take Refresher training every three years
- Duration: 1 day or 6.5 hours
For full details, check out:
- Joint Health and Safety Committee Administrative Framework p
- Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) JHSC Certification Decision Tree
Training under the current standard
- To be certified under the current standard (and be exempt from refresher training), both Part 1 & Part 2 must be completed by March 1, 2016.
JHSC Part 2 Training
- WHEN: Mon. Dec. 21 & Tues. Dec. 22
- WHERE: Burlington, ON
- Suitable for theatres and arts organizations
- TBC - will be offered it if there is sufficient registration
- Interested? Contact Janet for details.