October 6, 2014
Sign up for Orchestras Canada’s FREE webinar series to get solid, practical tips on subjects important to your organization: legal issues, fund development, marketing and more! The series is made possible through the generous support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Ontario Arts Council, and is being presented in collaboration with Choirs Ontario, Ontario Presents, and Theatre Ontario.
This robust series of webinars has been designed specifically for organizations with budgets under $400,000.
We are offering FIVE webinars between October 15 and December 4, each hour-long session starting at 1:00, so that the many volunteers who run your organizations can learn over their lunch hours.
Invite your Board members, volunteers, musicians, actors, presenters and administrators –especially those with interest in or responsibility for the topics being offered.
Get the knowledge you need – in 45-minute chunks, from the smartest people in the business. Sign up TODAY!
Here are our first five webinar dates and topics, all over lunch at 1 pm:
October 15, 2014
Tips for Small Budget Arts Organizations – Accessibility Ontario (AODA)
Constance Exley, Founder and CEO, Accessibility Ontario
October 23, 2014 – ORCHESTRAS ONLY
Small Budget Orchestras – Fundraising Diagnostic Tool: Launch and Tutorial Cynthia Armour, Elderstone Resources
October 30, 2014
Tips for Small Budget Arts Organizations – Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) Brenda Doner, Community Legal Education Ontario
November 20, 2014
Tips for Small Budget Arts Organizations – Facebook: A really useful marketing tool Sue Edworthy, Marketing and Social Media consultant
December 4, 2014
Tips for Small Budget Arts Organizations – Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)
Ryan Prendergast, Carter’s Legal Services
Click on any of the links to sign up on Eventbrite! Or visit www.orchestrascanada.org/webinars
On January 10 & 11, consider attending the Small Budget Orchestra Conference in Toronto, where many of these topics will be explored in more depth. [Watch for news soon!]
Hear straight talk, how-tos, what-to-dos, and when-to-dos from experts in every subject at hand. Sign up TODAY!