WEBINAR SERIES: Volunteer Engagement - SIGN UP NOW!

Volunteer Engagement Webinar Series - 3 “R’s” - Recruitment, Retention and Recognition

This series of webinars has been designed for the learner who wants to know some best practices, some tips and some strategies for the three “R’s” - Recruitment, Retention and Recognition. These three topics are interconnected and there is a dynamic tension between them. Non-profits have to actively seek people with skills, passion and experience and turn them into volunteers in order to accomplish the mission and work of the organization. This is tough work! But with greater understanding of the dynamics between recruitment, retention and recognition and how to develop more creative, engaging roles for volunteers, you will be leaders.

By completing the online survey about these topics (in advance of the session), the facilitator Donna Lockhart aims to address as many of your questions as possible in the presentation. There will be time at the end to ask questions as well.

Each part is a one-hour long. There is no cost to participate. All you need is a phone line, computer and a high speed internet connection. 

The series has three parts - for the best experience you can join all three, but you can also choose to attend the webinars which are most relevant for you.

Note: You must register for each session individually

Part 1: Recruitment of Volunteers: “Is it more than just asking?”

Wednesday February 4, 2015 from 1:00 to 2:00pm EST

Most organizations today would say that their number one challenge with volunteers is ‘recruitment.’  “We just do not have enough people to get the work done!”  “Where do we find volunteers to help us?” This session will explore what recruitment or acquisition of volunteers means; why position descriptions are vital to success; and, some recruitment strategies that work. In order to be successful in your recruitment, you need to understand the shifts that have taken place in volunteerism and how by re-defining roles for volunteers, your recruitment might just be more successful.  Remember that recruitment is a process…and you are about to start this journey.

Part 2: Retention of Volunteers: “A Return on Investment (ROI) Approach”

Wednesday February 11, 2015 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm EST

So once you get volunteers, the next question is ‘how do we keep them?” Sound simple? It truly is a bit more complex. If recruitment is the process then retention is the outcome. Recognition is certainly tied into this aspect of volunteering, but we have learned how motivation, match, meeting volunteer needs and providing a variety of support to volunteers, truly makes a bigger difference. A shift has occurred in terms of how long a volunteer is willing to stay and when we understand this, we can respond with creative and unique ideas to support our volunteers. This session will focus on factors you can control and factors you cannot; a look at both short and long term retention; and 4 retention strategies you can implement tomorrow. 

Part 3: Recognition of Volunteers:  “Putting a new spin on certificates, mugs and 5 year pins!”

Wednesday February 18, 2015 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm EST

Recognition has long been a key ingredient in retaining volunteers. Since volunteers are not being ‘paid’ for work done, organizations find many ways to thank them. Organizations have often created programs to formally recognize the efforts of volunteers. But volunteers themselves have started to shift the views of what recognition is appropriate. What we did in the past may no longer be relevant today. The art of recognition is still extremely important in the overall retention of volunteers….but the definition of what it means may have changed.  This session will explore the key questions to ask when setting up a recognition program; why money is not the issue to successful appreciation; and using the example of baby boomers as volunteers, ideas of formal and informal recognition that have emerged from recent research will be shared.   


Presenter Profile/Bio

Donna Lockhart is a trainer, consultant and partner in The RETHINK Group. Her mission is to help organizations “attract, support and expand” their volunteer resources. For over 35 years, she has partnered with hundreds of non-profit organizations to help develop volunteer engagement strategies; provide training; and, develop resources for volunteers and staff.

Donna has delivered hundreds of training opportunities focused on all aspects of volunteer engagement. This wide range of experience working with volunteers in many organizations has enriched her perspective. Arts clients include the Scougog Arts Council; Royal Scottish Country Dance Toronto Association; the Robert McLaughlin Gallery; and, the 2014 Philanthropy Forum in Peterborough that focused on volunteering in the Arts and Heritage Sector.  

Donna designed and currently instructs the online Certificate in Volunteer Management for Sir Sandford Fleming College. In 2006, she designed the first online course for Charity Village called Building a Great Volunteer Program. It continues today to be one of their most popular courses. Her interest in working with youth lead to the publication of The Youth Volunteer Audit, a tool for non-profit organizations to increase their effectiveness and success with youth.

Volunteering: Donna has volunteered since the age of 12 and contributed in many roles: AMVS-the local volunteer association in Peterborough; Board member and Director of Education for PAVR-O; volunteer writer for Charity Village; Advisory Member to help the HR Council of Canada and the Canadian Administrators of Volunteers to develop the first Occupational Standards for the role of Coordinator of Volunteers (completed fall 2012); YWCA of Peterborough Board Member; Peterborough Community Care Yearly Run; and, the Shoebox Project.

Donna is a Certified Volunteer Resource Manager and has a Master’s Degree in Community Development & Recreation Planning from York University.

For more information about The RETHINK Group contact Donna at: www.rethinkgroup.ca