Annual Report 2016-2017

I am pleased to share the Ontario Presents Annual Report, which focuses on the accomplishments of OP members from the past year. In this report, you will witness a full scope of OP initiatives which are a direct result of Ontario Presents members working together. These initiatives include: OP’s block booking program; the OAC’s Ontario Dances and Theatre Connects initiatives; the Ontario Classical Music Network Digital Marketing Initiative; Northern Young Audience Presenting Development; the Indigenous Performance Professional Development Initiative (in partnership with the Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance & CAPACOA); the Audience Mapping Project and ArtsEngageCanada. All of these initiatives are the outcome of collective leadership from within the Ontario Presents Network and are stepping stones towards a bright future within the provincial presenting and touring sector. 

This report is designed to provide an overview of the work we’ve done in the past fiscal year  (April 1st 2016– March 31st 2017) and to exhibit how we have invested stakeholder and member contributions received from organizations and individuals who care about improving and evolving the practice of arts presentation in Ontario.  We have ended the fiscal year facing a modest deficit; however, through careful financial management the 2017-2018 budget will have a targeted surplus of $18,750 with 2.5% of all surplus being allocated towards the OP working capital account. 

In October 2016, the Board of Directors along with OP staff, participated in a two day planning session resulting in a number of board priority action plans that are currently underway and include OP by-law review, OP programs review, OP policies and systems review, board orientation manual, Ideal Gatherings Task Force, performance management and succession planning.   

As we gather for our 29th Annual General Meeting in St. Catharines, I would like to take a moment to celebrate the contributions of our members, staff, funders, partners , stakeholders and board members and to thank everyone for their time and energy put towards the various initiatives that took place over the last twelve months. With your continued support, Ontario Presents will continue to expand and deepen the diversity of touring that makes Ontario and our individual communities economically and culturally vibrant. 


Jayson Duggan 

Download the full Annual Report 2016-2017 here.