Slow Touring Project presents Transforming the Touring Sector: A Learning Series

OP is very excited to announce the next phase of our Slow Touring Project! This winter, we’ll be hosting a virtual workshop series titled Transforming the Touring Sector: A Learning Series that will break down the basics of Slow Touring and share how you and your organization can transform your work to incorporate the values of sustainability, equity and empathy in the face of our ‘new normal’. All presenters, artists, and industry members are invited to join us as we look for new working models that are sustainable, not only in terms of the environment, but also with regards to people (keeping artsworkers in the industry and avoiding burnout) and organizational sustainability.

Transforming the Touring Sector: A Learning Series will take place on zoom, once a month from October - March. Registration is now open! Register here to let us know which workshops you are interested in attending:

Description & schedule of each workshop:

Radical Hospitality

Monday, Oct 28 - 1-3pm

How can presenters and their communities be the best possible hosts to artists and audiences - especially those with marginalized identities? How can visiting artists be good guests and connect with the places they visit?

Consider bringing anyone on your staff who does direct liaising with artists.

Creating an Empathetic Workplace

Monday, Nov 25 - 1-3pm

Many arts organizations are already experimenting with ways to support the mental and physical wellbeing of their staff and artists, from flexible working schedules to providing resources like food or childcare. We’ll discuss some of these concrete mechanisms to make our industry healthier and prevent burnout.

Great for both artists and leadership of arts organizations.

Arts Centers as Community Spaces

Monday, Jan 20, 2025 - 1-3pm

As community engagement continues to become a bigger part of presenters’ work and a way of increasing our impact, what strategies exist for genuinely opening your doors to a wider range of people and activities?

Consider bringing any staff members that deal with audience and community engagement or education, as well as programming.

Sustainability in Touring & Presenting

Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 - 1-3pm

Climate change is already impacting our sector as weather events lead to cancelled shows and challenges for artists on tour. How can we prepare for that future and lead the way in true sustainability? Hint: it not only involves reducing our footprint, but also understanding our connection to the land we’re on, and listening to Indigenous leadership.

Consider bringing any staff members that deal with operations of our venue, as well as leadership.

The Value of Rest

Monday, Mar 17, 2025 - 1-3pm

Slow Touring is ultimately about resisting the “urgency” model that pervades our sector, making it unhealthy for most of us, and particularly un-inclusive for our disabled colleagues. Is it possible to reframe the way work to value rest, flexibility and slowness?

Great for both artists and leadership of arts organizations.