April 16, 2014

With the creation of its new name, Ontario Presents extends an invitation to touring agents, managers, artists and performing arts presenters to co-create a strengthened and vibrant touring and arts presenting sector in the province.
Formerly, know as CCI-Ontario Presenting Network, Ontario Presents new identity provides the Ontario touring and presenting community multiple opportunities to connect, support and encourage each other, and strengthen their professional practice.
Ontario Presents is guided by an overarching vision:
A live performance for everyone in Ontario: an active curator for the performing arts in every community: a lively engagement between the two.
Participants in the network are guided by a strong set of values set out as follows:
We value the participation of our artists, artist representatives, professional and volunteer presenters and business consultants by:
- Encouraging, supporting & developing those responsible for the presentation of professional performing arts in the communities of Ontario.
- Fostering networking, professional development, advocacy & access to resources.
- Supporting our members’ curatorial visions.
- Fostering and encouraging collegiality, trust, and openness within the membership
- Encouraging the presentation of new art forms and the appreciation of quality and engaging performing arts performances.
- Developing strong & healthy leadership.
Under its new name, Ontario Presents intent is to bring together people from across presenting boundaries. This means it is inviting those who have not been part of the conversation - people who are not used to being together - people from across province and beyond, and, more important, across various presenting practices and art forms.
Special Invitation for Arts Presenters
Special Invitation for Artists, Agents and Managers
Invitation for Presenting Organizations
With its new name and approach, Ontario Performing Arts Presenting Network has evolved to more inclusively reflect and serve the touring and presenting sector in Ontario. Over the next three years, we have mapped out a series of workshops, webinars and events to provide further opportunities for performing arts presenters to connect, learn, and grow their presenting practice. Now, with the recent adoption of Ontario Presents, we are in a good position to offer a ‘home’ for all the province’s presenters to connect with one another and to access the resources that we have developed and continue to expand.
Moreover, Ontario Presents recognizes that there are several groups of volunteer-run presenting organizations in the province who are interested in strengthening connections among members of their groups. These include presenters who specialize in a particular art form or genre, such as classical music and young audience presenting that organize small series of performances in their local communities. Considerable work has been done over the past several years to convene these groups at regional workshops in the north and the east and at annual events such as Ontario Contact.
Increasingly, web-based technologies are proving very effective in providing these groups with easy and convenient access to timely and relevant information. Ontario Presents has expanded its web site to include a Volunteer Resource section at the bequest of volunteer presenters and recently launched a 4-part webinar series on online marketing and social media engagement. Both the resource section and the series are gaining significant participation, particularly among the province’s volunteer presenters.
Special offer for Presenting Organizations
In celebration of the 25 years of service, CCI – Ontario Presenting Network, now operating under its new name, Ontario Presents, invites presenting organizations that are new to the network to join their colleagues with network introductory fee of $25 (plus $5 for each associate member).
Moreover, to strengthen connections among the province’s volunteer arts presenters, Ontario Presents introduces special rate for volunteer-run presenting organizations to join the network or renew their membership with a contribution fee of only $25 (plus $5 for each associate member).
Through this increased ease of access to online resources and knowledge about each other, we hope this initiative will build on the excellent work done to date, to re-connect and strengthen the province’s arts presenters. Join the Network
Invitation for Touring Artists, Agents and Managers
With its new name and approach, Ontario Performing Arts Presenting Network has evolved to more inclusively reflect and serve the touring and presenting sector in Ontario. Over the last ten years, CCI-Ontario Presenting Network provided stewardship to Canada’s first booking and showcasing conference, Ontario Contact, that was initiated by the Ontario Arts Council in 1973. With this flagship event, Ontario Presents continues to showcase top artistic talent and provides expanding opportunities for artists, agents and presenters to connect. The multi-conference application system, iwanttoshowcase.ca, developed in collaboration with other presenting networks, allows performing artists to apply to several showcase conferences across North America in one convenient place. In addition to these services for artists, in the last three years we have introduced Artist Readiness Workshop and Mock Showcase to help emerging artists launch their touring career and take their work to the next level.
With the recent adoption of Ontario Presents, we invite professional artists who are ready to tour in Ontario as well as their agents and managers to connect with presenting sector by building comprehensive online touring directory, a resource and tool to help artists and presenters to connect and improve Ontario’s touring sector.
Introductory offer for Touring Artists, Agents and Managers
In celebration of the 25 years of service, CCI – Ontario Presenting Network, now operating under its new name, Ontario Presents, invites touring artists and artist agents/managers that are new to the network to join online touring directory and participate in the network with a contribution fee of $25 (plus $5 for each associate member). Join the Network
On Offer:
By continuing to deliver relevant networking and professional development initiatives at local and provincial levels, Ontario Presents expresses the network’s commitment to diverse nature of presenting practice.
Ontario Presents’ tour coordination service (block booking) enables the touring of diverse artistic talent to a wide range of communities across the province. Its flagship booking and showcasing conference, Ontario Contact, continues to showcase top artistic talent and provides expanding opportunities for artists, agents and presenters to connect. Ontario Presents website continues as the dynamic platform for forum discussions, industry news and updates, comprehensive listing of presenters, touring artists, calendar of events and a suite of programs and services.
Ontario Presents Programs: https://ontariopresents.ca/programs
Ontario Presents Services: https://ontariopresents.ca/member-services