Ontario Presents regularly partners with organizations from across the Canadian arts sector in order to inform and strengthen our work, and advocate for further support of the arts. We are always open to productive, collaborative relationships and look forward to further partnerships in the future. Our key partnerships include:
The Canadian Association for the Performing Arts/l’Association canadienne des organismes artistiques (CAPACOA) is Canada’s only national arts service organization dedicated to fostering a healthy performing arts touring and presenting community. CAPACOA cultivates national and international partnerships and networks that represent approx. 2,000 professional and volunteer organizations, associations, and companies. Ontario Presents regularly communicates and collaborates with CAPACOA on any issues and endeavours that impact OP members.
Provincial Arts Service Organizations (PASO-OPSA)
PASO-OPSA is a coalition of Ontario Arts Service Organizations that collectively acts as a conduit to over 272,000 creative workers, and artists across the province, as well as to thousands of organizations - both large and small - that create and support artistic expression in Ontario. Ontario Presents participates as an active coalition member and regularly shares information and advocacy tools to its own presenting members. CLICK HERE to read more about the key priorities that PASO-OPSA’s has recommended to the Government of Ontario.
Réseau SPARC Network
Réseau SPARC Network is a network whose purpose is to ignite and help sustain performing arts communities in rural and remote Ontario and beyond. Ontario Presents regularly communicates and collaborates with SPARC as our missions are strongly aligned and many of our members are served by both organizations.
Regional Presenting Networks (RPNs)
The RPNs of Canada include the Alberta Arts Alliance, Atlantic Presenters Association, BC Live Performance Network, La Danse Sur Les Routes du Québec, the Manitoba Arts Network, and several others. Each network serves a specific region of Canada, but the group meets regularly to communicate on issues and ideas that apply to all organizations. In addition, many of the RPNs have partnered with us on the use of our Arts Touring Connector [add link] platform.
Alliance of Canadian Dance Networks (A-CDN)
The A-CDN is a collective of networks across Canada that support the presentation and dissemination of dance. The alliance includes some regional networks as well as the CanDance Network. This alliance allows us to stay in touch on issues related to dance presentation, collaborate on projects as needed, and collectively host professional development and networking events that include members from all of our networks.
Canadian Arts Coalition
The Canadian Arts Coalition is a collaborative non-partisan advocacy movement of national associations, arts organizations and artists, lead by a volunteer Steering Committee comprised of representatives of national, provincial, regional, territorial arts organizations and/or associations committed to equity in the arts and inclusive of Indigenous, racialized, the deaf and disabled.
Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance (IPAA)
The Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance is a member-driven organization of professional Indigenous performing artists and arts organizations. IPAA serves as a collective voice for its members and for Indigenous performing arts in Canada. IPAA provides leadership, support, representation, advocacy, and practical assistance for the national development of Indigenous performing arts. Ontario Presents regularly partners with IPAA on a variety of programs, from projects to increase presentation of Indigenous work in OP member venues, to supporting IPAA’s work with our resources and knowledge.
Réseau Ontario (Réseau de diffuseurs Franco-Ontarien)
Réseau Ontario is a member-based network with a mandate to support the presentation of Francophone performing arts in Ontario. They facilitate the touring and promotion of performances and engagement activities among 24 multidisciplinary presenters, as well as 13 educational presenters representing more than 400 schools across the province. As Réseau Ontario is essentially our Francophone counterpart, we often communicate around issues that impact both of our organizations.
Folk Canada
Folk Canada is the country's largest organization devoted to the folk, roots, and traditional music community. For over 38 years, Folk Canada and its members have supported the growth and development of the folk music community across the country through initiatives like the annual Folk Music Ontario Conference, Developing Artist Program, Festivals' Retreat, Export Development Program, Peer Sessions, Ontario Folk Music Awards, Folk in Film Festival, Year-round Professional Development Seminars, Community Folk Fests, and more. Folk Canada (formerly Folk Music Ontario) has partnered with Ontario Presents on the current phase of our Slow Touring Project [add link].
Debajehmujig Theatre Group
The Debahjemuhjig Theatre Group creates original theatre productions that represent Indigenous world views, culture, and history. They build connections between generations using the art of storytelling and are the only professional theatre group located on a reserve. Debaj has partnered with Ontario Presents on the current phase of our Slow Touring Project
Ontario Presents regularly participates in advocacy efforts to support the arts sector. To take action or learn more about arts advocacy initiatives, we recommend reviewing the following resources:
- The Community Presenters Network’s Advocacy Starter Guide, designed to help small-scale presenters and arts advocates improve their discussions with community leaders and funders.
- CAPACOA’s Arts Promotion webpage, including:
- Federal Election Toolkit - while this kit applies to a previous election cycle, keep this webpage bookmarked for updated information and resources for the next election
- Arts and Belonging - a national report that looks closely at how arts and culture, in all its forms, make our communities better places to live by helping people to better understand their identity and connect through shared arts experiences.
- Value of Presenting - an overview that reveals that performing arts are valued by the vast majority of Canadians and offers a broad range of public benefits including better health and well-being, greater energy and vitality in communities, and a more caring and cohesive society.
- Canadian Arts Coalition webpage, including:
- Let’s Talk About Arts and Culture - while this downloadable toolkit is specific to the fall 2024 budget, it shares excellent tips to welcome your local politicians to see why the arts matter nationally and to understand that culture is a part of every constituency that can be applied year round.
- Arts Day on the Hill Advocacy Toolkit - a toolkit created for the November 2024 event but still a great resource to get arts and culture workers thinking about the 2025 event.
- Ontario NonProfit Network and their Policy Agenda