Board Development

Arts Action Research

Comprehensive Organizational Planning – providing guidance on planning, professional and board leadership development, leadership transition, board function and development, organizational structure and restructuring;

Arts Professional Online (Publication)

ArtsProfessional magazine reaches across the entire spectrum of professional arts activity, being read by chief executives as well as managers, marketers, administrators, academics, policy makers, funders, consultants, freelances, students and commercial suppliers to the arts and cultural sector.


Building on Strength: Improving Governance and Accountability in Canada’s

Canadian Centre for Philanthropy

Canadian Centre for Philanthropy offers members a directory to Foundations and Grants, information on publications, and links the National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating [NSGVP On-line], to the Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code and to the non-profit information source. An invaluable resource for fundraising.

Free Complete Toolkit for Boards

Free Management Library

A complete integrated online library for nonprofits & for-profits. The Library provides easy-to-access, clutter-free, comprehensive resources regarding the leadership and management of yourself, other individuals, groups and organizations. Content is relevant to the vast majority of people, whether they are in large or small for-profit or nonprofit organizations. Over the past 10 years, the Library has grown to be one of the world’s largest well-organized collections of these types of resources.

International Journal of Arts Management