Indigenous History Month 2024

English LinkedIn banner with 3 illustrations: an eagle to represent First Nations, a narwhal to represent Inuit and a violin to represent Métis. These illustrations are placed around the sun and surrounded by multicoloured smoke that represents Indigenous traditions, spirituality, inclusion and diversity.

June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an opportunity to learn about the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. This National Indigenous History Month, the team at Ontario Presents recognizes the continued great work of our Indigenous colleagues and all of the talented Indigenous artists from Turtle Island.

Below are a few ways to celebrate the work that Indigenous artists continue to create and share throughout the month of June. We recommend exploring your community to see what programming is available.

We are so thankful for the diversity of vibrant cultures that are rooted in this land, and the artists that continue to share their stories, ideas and culture with all of us. The team at Ontario Presents continues to support the Indigenous community and work towards the resurgence of Indigenous cultures on this land. This work continues well beyond one day or month.