WEBINAR: Programming for the People

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 - 1:00pm

This webinar takes you on the journey of finding the right artist for the right audience.  From agent relationships to artist expectations, you will be bringing the passion between artists and audiences together in creating memorable experiences.

Topics will cover the important areas that you need to cover in developing programming expectations.  From listening and responding to audiences needs to developing lasting relationships with agents, managers and artists, this webinar provides solid foundations that will ensure returning audiences and artists.  Building audiences with multi-disciplinary programming will be focused on, as you learn creating experiences results in creating audience loyalty!


Armed with a Diploma in Journalism (Georgian College) plus a BA in Drama and English (University of Toronto), Ronnie Brown has spent five years in Public Relations with the Ontario Ministry of Community & Social Services, eight years as a stand-up comedian, eight years with the internationally acclaimed Famous People Players as a performer, assistant director, tour director and marketing director, and the past fifteen years as the Coordinator of Marketing & Development at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts.