News Archives

Based on strong input from members, a short-and-concise compensation and benefits survey was recently sponsored, developed and sent to 220 professional presenting member organizations across the country, including those from the following networks...
Registration for CCI's Blue Sky Day 2013 is now open! This year's event will be hosted by Rob Mackay, Milton Centre for the Arts, and will take place on September 25, 2013 in Milton, ON The event will start at 9:00 am and end at 4:30 pm. The day...
CCI E-News - August 2013 Updates on CCI's Annual Blue Sky Day, Ontario Contact 2013, The Succession Plan, Re:Sound, Ontario's Accessibility Standards, The Value of Presenting Study, members news and more!
CAPACOA continues to negotiate with RE:Sound on the issue of applicable tariff rates for the use of recorded music in live events. Re:Sound is considering CAPACOA's  most recent proposal on both the proposed tariffs and the retro-activity on...
CCI and the Canadian Arts Presenting Association (CAPACOA) are pleased to launch The Succession Plan (TSP) mentorship program at Ontario Contact 2013 in Kitchener, October 23 - 27th. The TSP program offers one-on-one mentorship and peer networking...
Brian McCurdy, Cultural Director for the City of Kingston, has announced that he has accepted a position as the Executive Director of The Burlington Performing Arts Centre and will begin his new position August 19th. Mr. McCurdy has served as...
Registration for Ontario Contact is now open! To help you manage your budget, we have removed all of the meals from our basic registration fee. You can therefore decide whether or not you wish to atttend them, although we hope that you will as they...
CCI E-News - Summer 2013
The Ontario Ministry of Labour has released the Temporary Performance/Event  Structures Safety Guideline for the Live Performance Industry in Ontario. This guideline has been prepared by the Health and Safety Advisory Committee for Live...
Ontario Tourism offers free listings for tourism-related organizations in the province and is happy to add theatres and performing arts centres on the web site, which sees 2 million plus visits per year! Here's how to get...
